Invisalign is a more aesthetic way to move teeth by using a series of clear, removable appliances called aligners that are virtually undetectable. Invisalign can correct among others incidences rotated and crowded teeth as well as spacing.
How Invisalign Works
Invisalign works in just 3 easy steps and can put you on the path to your brand-new smile. First, schedule a consultation with Madison Avenue Dental Studio, and we will take an impression of your teeth to map out a custom treatment plan just for you.
The next step is ensuring your aligners fit well, and our team answers questions you may have well as letting you know what to expect. Start wearing your aligners, and schedule regular checkins with us.
How Long Will Invisalign Treatment Take?
Depending on the complexity of your case, you should expect to complete your treatment in as little as 6 months, but you’ll start seeing results in a matter of weeks.