Tips And Tricks For Getting Through Your First Week With Invisalign

We look forward to the moment when we introduce a new patient to their first set of clear aligners. After a lot of anticipation and preparation, our patient is finally are ready to begin the journey to their new smile.
As orthodontists, our Invisalign tips and tricks are based on a simple philosophy: establish a consistent, healthy routine so you can enjoy Delicious Progress™ throughout treatment. Here are six tips to get your journey started with healthy habits and a healthy mouth:
- Protect your tongue
- Treat your pain and discomfort
- Use Movements when you reinsert your trays
- Keep track of your daily wear time
- Remove your aligners the safe, clean and sanitary way
- Keep your trays clean (and clear)
Invisalign Tip – Protect your Tongue
Early in the process and at the start of new tray cycles, ulcers are typical due to the plastic edges of your clear aligners, but your mouth will toughen up. I suggest using wax to cover rough areas and sharp edges with Invisalign in order to hasten this toughening process. Try this method: apply a tiny pinch of wax to the hot regions by rolling it between your fingers to form a shape. You might need to ask your orthodontist to file down your retainers if the sharp edges of your Invisalign are too much for you to handle, or if there’s a particularly uneven or jagged area that wax can’t smooth over.
Invisalign Tip – Remove Your Clear Aligners Safely
Early in the process and at the start of new tray cycles, ulcers are typical due to the plastic edges of your clear aligners, but your mouth will toughen up. I suggest using wax to cover rough areas and sharp edges with Invisalign in order to hasten this toughening process. Try this method: apply a tiny pinch of wax to the hot regions by rolling it between your fingers to form a shape. You might need to ask your orthodontist to file down your retainers if the sharp edges of your Invisalign are too much for you to handle, or if there’s a particularly uneven or jagged area that wax can’t smooth over.
Invisalign Tip – Treat Your Pain & Discomfort
When taking off your invisible braces, use our recommended tools, to ensure safety and hygiene. Its functional design not only makes it easy to use, but it’s small enough to fit in your retainer case so you always have it with you.
Although you can remove your trays with your fingers, as your therapy goes on, they do become more constricted